BEAGLE BedMovers
Safe and efficient.
Small turning radius
Due to its compact size the bedmover can turn around its own axis and adds only a few cm in length.
Fits under any bed
The bedmover fits under any bed and can easily tow weights of up to 1000 kg.
Long range of action
The battery provides a range of action of up to 30 km in between charging.
Adjustable speed limit
Speed limit can be adjusted to the client’s needs, to a maximum of 10 km/h.
Facing driving direction
The operator faces the driving direction, allowing eye contact with the patient during transport.

User driven design
Medical professionals are constantly on the move, often pushing hospital beds with not only patients but also a variety of equipment. The bedmover has been designed specifically for hospitals, our clients’ needs in mind during every step of the way. For example, the bedmover’s operator faces the driving direction, therefore allowing them to make eye contact with the patient during transport.
Easy to operate
The bedmover can transport up to 1000 kg at a maximum speed of 10 km/h, although this can be adjusted towards a lower maximum per request of the client. To ensure a bed will fit in elevators and move easily in small rooms, the bed mover has been made very compact and only adds a few cm of extra length to the bed. The bedmover offers a 360⁰ turning radius and can effortlessly steer in any direction.

Specifications Beagle Bedmover
Batteries | 80 Ah 24 V |
Charger | 8 A 24 V IP68 |
Load capacity | 1000 kg |
Speed | Up to 10 km/h (alterable) |
Length | 790 mm |
Width | 550 mm |
Height | 390 – 1120 mm |
Weight | 160 kg |
Accessoires Beagle Bedmover

Vertical claw
Adjusted to the actual situation in your hospital, vertical claws can grip the undercarriage of a bed.

Horizontal claw
Adjusted to the actual situation in your hospital, horizontal claws can grip the undercarriage of a bed.

Battery charger
The batteries in the Beagle Bedmover have to be recharged on a regulalry base with a battery charger.
Would you like to order parts for the 360-Drive or bedmovers?
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